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Copyright (c) 2014 by Summitsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Find more fonts at www.summitsoftcorp.com or www.macwareinc.com.Подсемейство:
SummitsoftCorporation: Burb Italic wide: 2014Полное название шрифта:
Version 1.000PostScript название:
BUrb is either a registered trademark or trademark of Summitsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.Дизайнер:
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Summitsoft Corporation Fonts License 1. Approved Usage Summitsoft fonts are for personal use only unless purchased or downloaded under a separate commercial license. Summitsoft licenses each personal use font for use by the purchaser on a maximum of two (2) computers (owned by purchaser). If this font is used on more than two computers or computers not owned by purchaser, please contact Summitsoft for extra user licenses. You agree to use personal use Summitsoft fonts solely for your own business or personal purposes, not for any for-profit projects. 2. Non-approved Usage You are not allowed to adapt, translate, modify, reverse engineer or create derivitive works based on Summitsoft fonts. Summitsoft also specializes in custom fonts. Contact Summitsoft at sales@summitsoftcorp.com for more information on creating custom Summitsoft fonts for your own use. Summitsoft fonts are not to be distributed, sold, or used in applications that are directly sold without further licensing. 3. No Unauthorized Copying You may not copy or duplicate Summitsoft fonts in any form (except for backup purposes). If you need to use a personal use Summitsoft font on more than two (2) computers (owned by purchaser), contact Summitsoft at sales@summitsoftcorp.com to receive a new license quote based on the number of computers. You can not store your Summitsoft fonts on a server that anyone has access to. 4. Ownership Summitsoft retains title and ownership of Summitsoft fonts and all subsequent copies, wherever those copies may exist. This agreement does not grant you any rights to intellectual property rights regarding the fonts. You are purchasing a license to use the fonts in accordance with the specified terms. 5. Credits Unless otherwise stated under a separate commercial license, you agree to acknowledge Summitsoft as the trademark and copyright owner of the Summitsoft font(s) you are using and list the Summitsoft font names whenever design, production, or other credits are shown. You agree not to infringe on Summitsoft trademarks or tradenames. 6. Terms Summitsoft has the right to terminate your license immediately if you fail to comply with any term of this agreement. Within 10 days after notification of termination of this agreement, you agree to destroy all copies of Summitsoft fonts and to certify to Summitsoft by email at sales@summitsoftcorp.com that you have done so. 7. Limited Warranty Summitsoft makes no warranties expressed or implied as to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or otherwise. Summitsoft does not warrant the performance or results you get from using the fonts. 8. Limit of Liability In no event will Summitsoft Corporation be liable to you for any consequential or incidental damages, including any lost revenue, profits, goodwill or savings, or for any claim by any third party. Contact Summitsoft Corporation at sales@summitsoftcorp.com for more information. Copyright (c) 2009 Summitsoft CorporationРазмер:
35.05 KBВы можете скачать шрифт BurbItalicwide абсолютно бесплатно, без регистрации. Начертание шрифта Italic. Изготовителем шрифта является BUrb is either a registered trademark or trademark of Summitsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.. Дизайнер - SummitType Fonts. Шрифт размещен автором в открытом доступе и может применяться бесплатно в любых целях. Однако, если вы собираетесь использовать данную гарнитуру в коммерческих целях, и сомневаетесь в правах на использование, - рекомендуем связаться с автором и уточнить тип лицензии.
Шрифт принадлежит к категориям:
Шрифты для фотошопа
Размер файла - 35.05 KB.
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