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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
GoogleSans-BoldАвтор:Jesse Kaczmarek, Colophon FoundryЛицензия:Google offers many fonts on open source terms. Google Sans is not one of them. Please see google.com/fonts for alternatives.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
GoogleSans-BoldItalicАвтор:Jesse Kaczmarek, Colophon FoundryЛицензия:Google offers many fonts on open source terms. Google Sans is not one of them. Please see google.com/fonts for alternatives.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
GoogleSans-ItalicАвтор:Jesse Kaczmarek, Colophon FoundryЛицензия:Google offers many fonts on open source terms. Google Sans is not one of them. Please see google.com/fonts for alternatives.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
GoogleSans-MediumItalicАвтор:Jesse Kaczmarek, Colophon FoundryЛицензия:Google offers many fonts on open source terms. Google Sans is not one of them. Please see google.com/fonts for alternatives.