Иероглифические шрифты
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Han ZiАвтор:Aleksandra EgorovaЛицензия:ParaType EULA
Please read the contents of this Licensing Agreement carefully before you install fonts or software of ParaType. As it is accepted in world practice software distribution is carried out by licensing agreements concluded between the owner of the copyrights and the end user. A licensing agreement provide approved rights to use purchased software. First of all, it prohibited arbitrary copying of purchased programs and documentation.
This document is a legal agreement between you, the end user, and ParaType Inc. By installing delivered software, you are agreeing to become bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, promptly return the unopened disk package and any other items (including any printed material or other containers) which are part of this product, to the place where you obtained them.
The owner of copyright grants you the right to use one copy of font on up to 5 workstations and one printer or other type of output devices.
You have the right to copy software from the complete set of delivery only with the object of creating a reserve copy. Any such a copy must be the exact copy of the distribution set, any modification including all types of archiving is not allowed.
The distribution set can not be used to install the software package on another computer, to be lent, hired out, rented or transferred to others except such a case when full complete set including software, a user manual, written material and reserve copies. In this case you must delete all copies of software or fonts from your workstations.
If you have developed your own fonts on the basis of the given font, transformed the given font, partially or completely, in any other format, you have a right to use them in accordance with the restrictions indicated in current agreement. You can distribute fonts, letters and other characters developed by you only if you have obtained a special Licensing Agreement signed by authorized representatives of the Owners of Copyrights.
In case you violate the given Agreement ParaType Inc. have the right to stop acting of the given Agreement in one-sided order. In this case you are obliged to do away with all the copies including the reserve ones of software you have got from ParaType Inc., all the data you have developed using the given font and proper documentation. ParaType Inc. reserves the right to appeal to proper body in case of violation of the Agreement in order to protect its interests on the basis of legislation currently in force.
The software products included in complete set of delivery are the property of ParaType Inc., and are protected by the laws of United States, international copyright agreement and other laws covering copyright protection for computer software, hardware and other information technologies, active in the end user's country, as well as by the terms and conditions set out in this Licensing Agreement, which are binding on those who have entered into this Licensing Agreement and have, thereby, accepted its terms and conditions. In accordance with the laws of the end user's country ParaType Inc. maintains exclusive copyrights for the software. The copying of any manuals or printed materials included in this software package is expressly prohibited.
You do not have the right to rent or temporarily loan the software to anybody; however you may transfer software product, manuals and printed materials forever under the condition that no one copy of software will be remained at your place and the recipient agrees to all terms and conditions of this Licensing Agreement.
If the transferred software is upgraded you must transfer all the changes and all previous versions as well.
This Licensing Agreement is in accordance with the laws of United States and the international copyright agreement, covering copyright protection for software, hardware and other information technologies.
If you have any questions concerning this Licensing Agreement, please call ParaType.
Phone: +7 (495) 980 2706
Fax: +7 (495) 129 0911.
You may also direct questions or comments to fonts@paratype.com or in ask your question section of our site.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
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