Дизайнерские шрифты
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
AxaxaxАвтор:Ray Larabie
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
AdobeTextPro-BoldАвтор:Robert Slimbach
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
AdobeTextPro-BoldItАвтор:Robert Slimbach
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
AdobeTextPro-ItАвтор:Robert Slimbach
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
AdobeTextPro-RegularАвтор:Robert Slimbach
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
AdobeTextPro-SemiboldАвтор:Robert Slimbach
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
AdobeTextPro-SemiboldItАвтор:Robert Slimbach
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
micronicaАвтор:Andrey KudryavtsevЛицензия:This End User License Agreement (Agreement) is concluded between Andrey Kudryavtsev
and the purchaser of the font, herein after referred to as End User, and is legally binding
upon the parties. By purchasing the font or acquiring it in other legal ways, End User
undertakes to comply with the provisions set forth below.
All fonts are subject to this agreement regardless of the way they are transmitted to End User.
If End User disagrees in part or in full with the conditions hereof, he shall not download, instal
or use the font in question and must remove the font and all its copies.
Rights granted
End User is authorized to install and use the font on five workstations and one output device.
Workstations are any computers with the exception of servers: personal (including
multiprocessors), portable (including pocket computers), etc. Output device is any piece
of computer hardware producing permanent hard copies of the text viewable on the monitor.
The font and all its copies are subject to the international and Russian copy right laws.
The font is fully owned by Andrey Kudryavtsev as to using, distribution and protection.
Purchase of the font by End User does not change ownership. End User is granted rights
to use the font by Andrey Kudryavtsev in the scope determined herein.
If this Agreement does not allow directly for the use of certain font form, this form shall
not be used without written consent.
End User is obliged to inform all users with access to the font about this Agreement
and its contents, and secure strict conformity with all the requirements and limitations.
End User shall not modify, transform, alter the font or its name, change the design
or transfer or lease the font to anyone else for any period of time.
End User shall not submit the font for press printing unless the printing house purchased
the font for their own purposes and are authorized to use it on their output devices.
End User shall not create his own fonts on the basis of the font in question.
End User is authorized to convey the font to a third party along with all accompanying
documents and related software provided that End User will no longer be in possession
of the font and its copies, and the third party signs this Agreement (in written form) with
Andrey Kudryavtsev before the font is transferred.
Termination of the agreement
Andrey Kudryavtsev can terminate this Agreement unilaterally the moment any violations
of this Agreement and/or related laws are revealed.
Upon termination of this Agreement End User is to remove the font and its copies.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
micronica2010Автор:Andrey Kudryavtsev fonterior@gmail.comЛицензия:This End User License Agreement (Agreement) is concluded between Andrey Kudryavtsev
and the purchaser of the font, herein after referred to as End User, and is legally binding
upon the parties. By purchasing the font or acquiring it in other legal ways, End User
undertakes to comply with the provisions set forth below.
All fonts are subject to this agreement regardless of the way they are transmitted to End User.
If End User disagrees in part or in full with the conditions hereof, he shall not download, instal
or use the font in question and must remove the font and all its copies.
Rights granted
End User is authorized to install and use the font on five workstations and one output device.
Workstations are any computers with the exception of servers: personal (including
multiprocessors), portable (including pocket computers), etc. Output device is any piece
of computer hardware producing permanent hard copies of the text viewable on the monitor.
The font and all its copies are subject to the international and Russian copy right laws.
The font is fully owned by Andrey Kudryavtsev as to using, distribution and protection.
Purchase of the font by End User does not change ownership. End User is granted rights
to use the font by Andrey Kudryavtsev in the scope determined herein.
If this Agreement does not allow directly for the use of certain font form, this form shall
not be used without written consent.
End User is obliged to inform all users with access to the font about this Agreement
and its contents, and secure strict conformity with all the requirements and limitations.
End User shall not modify, transform, alter the font or its name, change the design
or transfer or lease the font to anyone else for any period of time.
End User shall not submit the font for press printing unless the printing house purchased
the font for their own purposes and are authorized to use it on their output devices.
End User shall not create his own fonts on the basis of the font in question.
End User is authorized to convey the font to a third party along with all accompanying
documents and related software provided that End User will no longer be in possession
of the font and its copies, and the third party signs this Agreement (in written form) with
Andrey Kudryavtsev before the font is transferred.
Termination of the agreement
Andrey Kudryavtsev can terminate this Agreement unilaterally the moment any violations
of this Agreement and/or related laws are revealed.
Upon termination of this Agreement End User is to remove the font and its copies.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
karlsonАвтор:Kudryavtsev Andrey
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
rubiconАвтор:Kudryavtsev Andrey
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
GoodCyr-WideBlackАвтор:Lukasz Dziedzic
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